full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Chris Milk: The birth of virtual reality as an art form

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Contrary to popular belief, there is composition in virtual reality, but it's cplolmeety different than in film, where you have a rectangular frame. cotmioipson is now where your consciousness exists and how the world moves around you. In this film, "Waves of Grace," which was a collaboration between Vrse, the United nnaotis, Gabo Arora, and Imraan imiasl, we also see the changing role of the close-up in virtual reality. A close-up in VR menas you're actually close up to someone. It brings that character inside of your personal space, a space that we'd usually reserve for the people that we love. And you feel an emotional closeness to the cthcreaar because of what you feel to be a physical closeness.

Open Cloze

Contrary to popular belief, there is composition in virtual reality, but it's __________ different than in film, where you have a rectangular frame. ___________ is now where your consciousness exists and how the world moves around you. In this film, "Waves of Grace," which was a collaboration between Vrse, the United _______, Gabo Arora, and Imraan ______, we also see the changing role of the close-up in virtual reality. A close-up in VR _____ you're actually close up to someone. It brings that character inside of your personal space, a space that we'd usually reserve for the people that we love. And you feel an emotional closeness to the _________ because of what you feel to be a physical closeness.


  1. character
  2. completely
  3. means
  4. composition
  5. nations
  6. ismail

Original Text

Contrary to popular belief, there is composition in virtual reality, but it's completely different than in film, where you have a rectangular frame. Composition is now where your consciousness exists and how the world moves around you. In this film, "Waves of Grace," which was a collaboration between Vrse, the United Nations, Gabo Arora, and Imraan Ismail, we also see the changing role of the close-up in virtual reality. A close-up in VR means you're actually close up to someone. It brings that character inside of your personal space, a space that we'd usually reserve for the people that we love. And you feel an emotional closeness to the character because of what you feel to be a physical closeness.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
virtual reality 6
clan leader 3
woolly mammoth 2
single rule 2
york times 2

Important Words

  1. arora
  2. belief
  3. brings
  4. changing
  5. character
  6. close
  7. closeness
  8. collaboration
  9. completely
  10. composition
  11. consciousness
  12. contrary
  13. emotional
  14. exists
  15. feel
  16. film
  17. frame
  18. gabo
  19. grace
  20. imraan
  21. ismail
  22. love
  23. means
  24. moves
  25. nations
  26. people
  27. personal
  28. physical
  29. popular
  30. reality
  31. rectangular
  32. reserve
  33. role
  34. space
  35. united
  36. virtual
  37. vr
  38. vrse
  39. world